Monday, July 15, 2013

10 days later and feeling a bit better #fibro #naturopathicways

Figured it is a good time to post an update about my latest "experiment". It's amazing to say but I have been feeling a lot better, even though it's not even been 2 weeks since increasing the vitamin B complex and starting the "biotherapeutic drainage". Pain levels are down and energy has increased. I really realized this in passing reflection yesterday when I had a migraine coming on and noticed that it had been a bit since reaching for the trusty bottle of ibuprofen. Even with the humidity, I am not going out of my mind with exhaustion and pain. Yea sure, now that I am not on the needle and doing the seed rotation to balance my hormones, I am not looking forward to certain things that used to bring me to my knees in pain and tears. But, the ND was quick to respond to my e-mail to tell me what to take to reduce the pain for the cramps. I hope it keeps on the positive side. Better yet, I know it will because I want this to work and will do everything in my power to ensure that. Sure, following the anti-inflammatory diet to a T is not my idea of fun and took away a lot of foods that I do enjoy. A girl has got to do what a girl as got to do. I have had some "cheat days" but try to keep it up on a whole.

One thing about diet change is not necessarily the experimenting part of trying new foods but not wanting to spend money on foods that you may or may not like; not wanting to waste food or money, essentially. I talked with someone at the local market who sells gluten free veggie burgers (which also work very well crumbled onto salad), among other things.  She has a learning kitchen and I we were talking about this dilemma. It would be nice to not necessary learn how to cook the recipe but to learn about different ingredients and taste the ingredients and complete recipes. I could then take the recipes I liked and do it for myself at home without any waste. Once I get comfortable with the ingredients, I can change it up and have fun with it. However, having that initial start would be invaluable.

There are many things that are integral to whole health: finding the right practitioners, the right supplements and vitamins, the right foods, the right pacing style, and the right lifestyle. It is so incredibly important to keep it up and not to lose faith in oneself. When struck with an illness, it is way to easy to lose yourself. With confidence and the right frame of mind (and a good support group) anything is possible as long as you are willing to keep trying. I, for one, will keep with my experiments until I find the right balance that works for me.

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