Thursday, September 5, 2013

Sit, catch up, enjoy

I have been trying to find a moment to post the last couple of weeks. Finally, I have a quiet(er) day to do so. I have had at least one meeting each day over the last two weeks, sometimes between two if not three different buildings. Needless to say, work has been a tad hectic. I can really say the same thing for my personal life as well with starting a new company with my Dad and working on a bunch of stuff for that as well. Funny how life can lead you in other directions. The beautiful thing is that I do not feel anxious about this direction, cautious as always, but not scared or nervous about it. It's encouraging.

Another thing that has been rather encouraging is that even though I have been really busy, I am keeping it together really well and not feeling like I am burning out. I feel like I have a good grasp and pace on life. Yesterday, I did two presentations of 2.5 hours each and I still had energy at the end of the day! I could hardly believe it. When I was talking with some colleagues later on, one of them mentioned that I look rejuvenated. I could hardly credit my ears that she thinks I am looking younger! I must be doing something right. I won't deny I have had a day or two of what I call "my own personal hell", but the good days are outweighing the bad. When I look at those bad days and all the activities I did the days/week beforehand, it is no wonder that I felt like that. One of my saving graces is knowing when to call it, knowing how to listen to my body for the signs that I need to start slowing down. Not only when to slow down but also what to do when I am starting to feel like I'm on a downward slope. If my body is telling me to take an epsom salt bath, I take that bath. If my body tells me to take a supplement or ibuprofen, I take it. Listening, acknowledging and acting on my body's signals is immensely gratifying and helpful. If I deny or ignore the signs, I am setting myself up for trouble and I know it.

September is usually a month full of trouble but I have confidence in myself that I can pace myself and pull it off without having a mid-October burn out. That is, as long as I stick to my plan outlined in a previous blog post, Figuring out my Fibro Journey Naturally.


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