Thursday, November 8, 2012

After a busy month

It feels like forever since I wrote my last blog post. I am currently trying to look through my cat while I work from home for the afternoon (curse light sensitivity along with a mild flare). Thankfully, I have a very understanding supervisor. My goal is to work. If I can work from home and be productive when I know I am at my end and would not be productive in my office, then so be it from time to time. This is the second time I have done this since September. It was after a couple taxing weeks (I'll get to that in a minute), I was going home for lunch and had no strength left in my legs and hurt a lot, so I asked to work from home because it would have been excruciating to walk back to work and home again. I am not after for this to become a regular occurrence but I am damn glad to be to able to from time to time. I may not be physically able sometimes and the fluorescent lights and smells make it impossible to concentrate but I am very resourceful and will always find a way.

September was extremely busy; I did a total of 12 class presentations and 4 individual information sessions. It was crazy, taxing, and wonderful. I enjoyed being that busy and kept it together most of that entire time, only needed that afternoon I worked from home. Then of course it all caught up me into the third week of October when I went into a flare/fought off a cold after being bombarded with perfume overload. My fibro flares like crazy when I am exposed to nasty perfume. I was done for.. I was out of commission for four days. It seems to be once a month, I need to take a day just to get away from the overload. I love my job though, so at least I don't feel terribly stressed when it comes to the work involved.  :)

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