Monday, February 27, 2012


Soooo I need a plan. A good plan. Started on the supplements with no ill-effects. I have adjusted quantities and times though. So now the big factor: exercise. I have a gym membership and with that I have a personal assessment to take advantage of, which was a good experience. She showed me a plan that is feasible and that takes in account my health issues. We even did a few exercises out in the gym and she pointed out small but important things like that I favour my right in certain exercises, which muscles I should be using, etc. Having that knowledge is beneficial. I am all about having the right knowledge. I think that has been one of the big things that has prevented me from using the gym more than I do: knowledge! Knowledge as in whether I am doing the exercise correctly, am I using the right muscles, should I be doing something differently, which exercises will be best, etc. Unfortunately this knoweldge comes at a cost. Plus, hiring a personal trainer at the gym means hour long sessions. I am unsure if I can pull of an hour long session at the gym. The other part is that I would only like a trainer just for the foundation part of my exercise, so that way I establish good form. I know the pricing I got was based on 36 sessions, I am going to ask if it can be just once a week with the trainer and then the other time I would be on my own. Can't hurt to ask when I go for the free session tomorrow to see how my body handles the hour. I know starting will be slow and steady and that, in a few months, I will be able to pull of an hour just fine. I also have dvds at home and a wonderful puppy to walk. So a plan, yes. However, it is still undecided.

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