Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Personal trainer

I made it to the gym and through the one hour session. My legs were awfully wobbly after but felt good. Took a bit to get to sleep and got up early without hurting. Even continued a session this morning using my favourite 10-min workout DVD and went through the abs and power stretch sessions. My legs are still a bit sore but not Fibro-sore, just workout sore. I much prefer the workout sore. Knowing that with Fibro, muscles don't repair like normal because of the lack of restorative sleep, I have been looking up a bit on foods that aid in muscle reparation such as protein. It's funny, I have been in shape before and am in better shape at this time of year compared to other years, but the Fibro is forcing me to take even better care of myself.

I enjoyed having a personal trainer. One of the reasons I have shyed away from the gym is lack of knowledge. The time she took to correct little things that my body does on it's own (my body has been self-correcting for so long, I am not sure it even knows what is the proper form). It is also personalized, which I enjoy. The only thing holding me back is the cost. I know paying for a personal trainer is not just paying for the time, but for the knowledge. Looking into some financial stuff to see if I can pull it off. I want to get through one "cycle" with a p.t. to get to knowledge down pat so I can then continue on my own confidently. I am a quick study and hope my body can keep up with me.

I am also looking into meditation CDs and DVDs. Going to make a purchase today of a few new resources, after reading countless reviews. Working out my plan. Nothing solid yet, but I might share it later.


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