Friday, November 15, 2013

Why I currently dislike #dental procedures #fibro #spoonie #flare

History has repeated itself, and be darned, another dental procedure has managed to throw me into a flare. I had a filling done last week; the freezing went well and they did a fair amount of damage to the gums, but I got through it without too much difficulty. It was really the needle for the anesthetics that hurt. I spread out the fillings by a week as to not overwhelm by body. I went in on Wednesday to get the next one. Well, right after the first needle, my body started to shake inside and it hurt like hell. Once my face felt sufficiently numb, they started and I could still feel it a bit but not too bad then it got to be a bit much. They froze me again. After waiting a few minutes, they started again. Same thing, I could feel some pressure and an annoyance. Of course, I am used to being in pain so I didn't think too much of it as it was bearable until she hit a nerve or something. My hand shot up to stop and I soon had tears streaming down my face. The tears and panic had started to set in after the second needle and then it all broke loose. The dentist felt so bad and said how I should tell her if I feel anything because I hide the pain really well, that she can usually tell. Well, sometimes I don't even know how my body may react to something. Anyway, my body is just vibrating by this time and I am freezing. I asked the assistant to get a blanket, as she offered, to get my temp back up and reduce the shaking. Through breathing exercises, I was able to get myself to calm down. By the time the dentist came back in, the third needle had settled in and the rest went okay. I was exhausted from it. All told, I was in there for about 80 minutes. I was glad to have taken an ibuprofen prior to the procedure. But, I had a feeling that it wasn't going to be enough. By the time I got to work, there was only about an hour until a lunch meeting with a colleague from out of town. I muddled through all that and went home. It, however, didn't stop there. I worked only the morning yesterday and had to dig out the big guns for pain that I haven't taken in months. Between the heavy duty for the pain and the ibuprofen for jaw, I was feeling better but exhausted. Well, here I am now on the Friday, feeling exhausted and achy. It's not the horribly painful kind of achy, just the nagging, fatigued, and weary kind of achy.

Fibromyalgia is a bit of a wild card when it comes to getting procedures done. A colleague said what I described is like my body went into a state of trauma. She is probably quite accurate. That "state of trauma" seems to be one of the surefire ways to through my body into a flare. The first time may have been a one-off, but now I know to be even more careful about when I schedule dental procedures. Then again, hopefully this will be one of the last!

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