Tuesday, November 19, 2013

#Yoga and #fibromyalgia

We all have days where we can't move and even fear moving around. We wonder if we should go to the gym or push ourselves a little more. Sometimes we just need to push to do the activity BUT keep fully aware of what our bodies are telling us. There is no shame at all in bowing out early or taking this slowly for your comfort.

I go to the gym about once a week, as long as I am not in recovery mode or have a lot to do that day and want to avoid overdoing it. But then there's other activities that are lower impact and can be modified very easily, like with yoga.

I had been going to watching yoga dvds, reading yoga books before I even went to my first yoga class. I would say that it's been about two years since I started going more often and reaping the rewards. I have discovered that those minute stretches releases so much toxins and inspires movement throughout my body. Even if it's a day like today where I am coming out of a flare and just starting my period, I went in hopes that it would help me feel better but I didn't push myself and did practically every modification possible. Pre-yoga, I was stiff and extremely tense. I am now more fluid and strong. What's more is that I notice a difference if I do not get to my yoga class.

Each yoga class is different as is each yoga instructor. The best thing to do is try out different styles and teachers until you find the right fit. I went to a few before I finally found one that works well for me. My absolute favourite Yoga dvd/book combo so far is: http://www.amazon.ca/15-Minute-Gentle-Yoga-Anywhere-15-minute/dp/1405326573/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1384883995&sr=8-5&keywords=15+minute+yoga. I love that it goes through the illustrated steps, has a pull out page to show the sequences and a video to follow along with four different sets.

The biggest difficulty with doing yoga is devoting the time. I was doing it in the mornings, but my mornings are rather slow moving and difficult.  I would say I would do it after work but then have other things to do or become to tired. Thankfully, some folks in the adjoining building decided to do lunch time yoga and hired a local yogi to come in for the classes. For the gym, I organized my Saturday mornings specially to go to the gym and market. I once asked a very active woman how it is that she can be involved in so much and have time for it. She said that she carves out that time in her schedule and lets nothing else change it. I took that advice and applied it to my Saturday morning routine. Although I don't always get out on those Saturday mornings, I am trying to find another time to place in my schedule.

Just remember, often times reducing ourselves to no movement is what makes us worse. We must keep moving, even if it's only slowly and at a low rate. Most importantly, we must listen to our bodies and modify our behaviours based on that information. If we must rest, we must rest too.


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