Friday, December 20, 2013

Holiday season is upon us and other adventures

The holidays are a special time of year where much cheer is shared. It is also the time when your body can become week and the months take their toll. I got my second cold this semester and it did not want to leave me alone, for almost a whole week. On the upside, I rested enough to not aggravate the fibro. Today, I finally have more of a voice and only a little bit of a cough. You can bet that I am looking forward to the holidays to fully get my energy back. The only exercise I have done this last week is shovel snow. On Sunday we got 27 cm of snow (almost a foot) and then another 26 on Wednesday. There is 3-4 feet of snow in my backyard thanks to light and fluffy snow and snowdrifts. The dogs are anxious because I haven't been able to get them out for a walk, thanks to being sick. They know I love them and they know I am not feeling well. But, that doesn't make it any less difficult for them, or for me for that matter. Take it one day at a time.

One piece of news is that I have someone in my life now who wants to help me out. I have a wonderful boyfriend who wants to see me happy and helps me out when he can, even if it's just little things like bringing up fire brick boxes from the basement. He didn't really understand what the fibro does to me, but he wanted to and even took the initiative to find out more so he could offer me better support. It's a beautiful feeling to feel light, free, warm, and happy. I don't know how I could smile much more than I already am. We see the beauty, wonder and potential in each other that we don't often see in ourselves. We build each other up through touch and whispers without imposing. It can only get better from here.

It's not often I write about the plus sides of having human companionship. Not long ago I did rant on about having standards, which I have decided are very important. When you find someone who fills those standards, and even goes above and beyond, it's a beautiful thing. For anyone looking for a good relationship blog, when I was going through little my emotional crisis (okay, not really crisis as much as trying to figure out what in the heck was going through my head and heart), I stumbled across one by a James Sama No matter what your health status is or what is going on, he has some nice pearls of wisdom there. It's nice to have that reassurance and confirmation of how things should be every now and then.

Cheers :)

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