Friday, January 18, 2013


What does friendship mean? How do you know if it is an acquaintanceship or a friendship? What happens when you realize a friendship is really an acquaintanceship? Do you change how you interact with the person? Do you continue as status quo? What differs the two? Oh so many questions about friendship. One thing is to have a relationship that is not frequently stressful, regardless of which category it fits into. 

I have had a lot of experiences in toxic relationships, unfortunately. At least I knew to leave when it was getting bad enough. Funny though, I am quicker to leave bad relationships or relationships that I do not see going anywhere than a friendship. I don't know if I really know the definition or a good friendship or even a good relationship. What is a healthy relationship or friendship or even acquaintanceship? I think this is important to evaluate from time to time. When I think of people I could call up and dish out on and hang out with, I do think of a few people and I cherish them. Sure, I don't know all the rules and have overstepped a couple of times in friendships while at the same time I am always ready to drop everything to help out a friend. I have noticed that as I grow and mature and become more confident with myself that I am attracting healthier relationships with people. They are real and tangible and equal. Even after not seeing someone for a while I see a difference in myself. I see a stronger person that can stand on her own two feet and not shying away, afraid of making the wrong move. But that's another blog post entirely; this one is about friends. 

I have to ask myself how important having friends is to me. Is it a must? Do I need them to function as a person? the answer is having a support network is important. I have learned that having people who love you and support you and are willing to put up with me (and vice versa) is very important. Being completely alone all the time is not the healthiest thing to do, especially when you are susceptible to depression. Having the cats and Jasper helps keep a lot of that away but at the same time having meaningful human contact outside of work is beneficial. It has been suggested to me to find a common interest group to go check out. It is something I have thought of time and time again but haven't really found one to go check out (and that doesn't cost too much). I love my house but getting out and about keeps a person sane. It's a matter of finding a balance. Ah, there's that keyword: balance. The key to life and happiness.... is finding overall balance. Is there a balance to be found in friendship? Well of course but what is it....

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