Saturday, January 12, 2013

Thriving in defeat

I have spent part of the week trying not to feel defeated. How do I avoid that feeling? I think the problem is that I am trying to avoid it. It shouldn't be about avoiding but rather dealing with the feeling. Along with that feeling of possible defeat, anger boils under without really seeing it come. Little things pick here and there to be seen and misunderstood. I don't think there is a way to completely avoid it without having a little outburst. Part of me wants to simply hide in face of this defeat and be done with things. I am glad to know that things are simply not that simple. Yes, I am stuck in a box within certain constraints and have learned how to find freedom within that box. I am bound by student loan and other responsibilities to work to do what I need to do. I am bound by my health and have to listen to my body to make sure I keep everything in good shape to be able to continue my responsibilities that come along with the life I have. Yes, it is frustrating. But it is life. It is one of those weeks that you can come out stronger at the end. I am proud of how I dealt with this evening in the end of it all. Sure I faltered but I came home, took my meds, and immediately took Jasper out for a quick paced walk around the neighbourhood (by the way, he walked very well). Just doing that small action helped a great deal. Also, I am keeping with what I said in my last post to write it out. I know that the more I bottle stuff in, the worse things are in the long run. I also know I need some good music therapy in the near future.

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