Monday, March 11, 2013

Spring Fever

It has been a little bit since my last posting. There have been some good developments since then. I finally went to see my doctor about my medication. Somehow I call when there's an intern, which I don't mind at all. Anyway, I explained how I noticed that I am able to touch my toes only at night (which is after I take my Lyrica). So they decided to increase my daytime amount. Guess what! I was able to touch my toes a couple of hours after taking the new dose! I went to my physiotherapy appointment later that day and was able to show him. About a week or two later I had my massage therapy session and he found that my muscles were much more willing to release. The best guess as to why all this happens is because the Lyrica reduces my muscle guarding. I have always have had stiff and very tense muscles. Now that I am taking a good dose of the Lyrica and able to touch my toes and my muscles don't get quite as tense, I am left wondering how long have I really had the fibro? All these "symptoms" are not new to me, they have been my reality for most of my life. I doubt I will ever really have an answer to that question.

Life has been a precarious balance between doing too much and not doing enough. Finally my body decided that I have been doing too much and ended up having to take my first sick day this year (so proud of myself for having lasted this long). Then of course over the weekend, when I finally had energy again, the spring cleaning bug hit and I cleaned, tidied, and organized key areas of my house. It has now been three days that my kitchen has kept tidy and it will stay that way! Good thing I knew when enough was enough and didn't get to scrubbing the cabinets.

This morning I realized that I have been gaining weight. So finally I bit the bullet and weighed myself... the dreaded 130 appeared on the scales. The reason I dread seeing that is because I was 150+lbs at one point. So that 130 is my red flag to make sure I do not surpass that number. Losing 5-10 pounds is easier than 20-30. I knew that this was coming as my jacket and shoes were not fitting like they were. It is a good thing that I still have some clothes from when I was heavier. After work today I will be heading the campus gym to check it out and quite possibly pay for a membership. I will be armed with my workout gear in the even I do decided to join. I do worse, fibrowise, as I get heavier. My back and feet are hurting more and it might explain how much more fatigued I am. In addition to the gym, I am happy to say that I have been cooking real meals again for the last week. Which leads me to another point... What the hell happened in January and February?

Each year I push the weight envelope a bit and don't eat well or don't do something for a couple of months each year. Usually it happens after Christmas. When I drank it was booze... and it was usually about this time of year I came out from my blitz going "okay! I have got to stop drinking". This year, now that I do not drink, it is "okay! I have got to stop eating so much". Have I gone from one crutch to another? It is quite possible. Now is the time to wonder how to prevent it next year. The trouble is that is comes and settles around me so quietly and unnoticed until it is well on the way. A point to ponder.

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