Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The secrets that makeup hide

I am not much for makeup but lately I have been wanting to get a nice foundation to help smooth out my complexion. My face is always red (natural redhead and rosacea). But when it comes down to it, I just realized it does more than that. I'm not feeling terribly well today and just vented a bit to my sister-in-law who had a "hunch" that things weren't going too well this week. A passing thought afterwords was "at least I look good". At least I look good? Part of the make up and dressing smart is to hide how I really feel. At least if I look good on the outside, I have that to feel good about and to appear to be doing well to the outsider.

I am so exhausted today. At least it is not as bad as Monday when I felt like simultaneously passing out and curling up in a ball in pain. But it is close. Even swimming 15 minutes was exhausting! The walk back home after just made me feel like I wanted to pass out. But that's okay. I will keep with it. The trick is keep other activities to a minimum until I feel better again. Better is a subjective term, but I will go with it. I am proud of myself for deciding to go with the workout thing and sticking with it. I realized today my goals are a tad lofty, to get up to 45minutes of each gym and swimming after 8 weeks. I am in week two and at 15 swimming and 25 gym/videos exercise. But that is success in itself and I should not be discouraged. If it takes longer, then that's the way it is and I will gladly reevaluate as necessary. My sister in law agreed to go to the gym with me on a Saturday sometime soon to help come up with a workout routine, which I am very much looking forward to and quite grateful for the help.

So, one more week to go and then I have a five day weekend with which I can relax and get back to par. The trick is to not take on any major projects (like painting).


1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I'm pretty lazy with exercise too. If there was a gym to go to, I would, because that's better than running for me. I wish I could go swimming too, but that's not in the cards either.
    I like reading your posts because they remind me of how I can be strong, and think more positively. Thank you for being my friend.
