Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I finally called my doc regarding my #fibro #lyrica and #pain

I have been battling with the question of what is going on with me as I seem to be not doing so good of late. Even my blog posts have been reflecting that. My concentration is out of whack, I'm tired more frequently, and the pain has been fluctuating but never really leaving me alone. Oh, and I have been gaining weight around my midsection in a way I am not used to. Usually when I gain, it is more evenly. It does not seem to be coming off as easily and my back is starting to hurt more. I find when I weigh more, everything hurts more. So, I finally called my doc with all this. Yes, the Lyrica has resulted in me being able to touch my toes and my massage therapists finds my muscles much more pliable but, does that outweigh the downsides? I am going to go speak with her in a week to find out what she thinks. In the meantime, I am going to do some more searching around to see what else I could do. Ideally, I'd like to come off this chemical mess and find more natural ways to deal with this through my diet and supplements.

The thing that really hit home to how things have been going is having a second article returned to me. This time saying that my sentence structure needs work. I am usually quite eloquent and write rather well. The article is positively awful! What the hell happened? Does being in pain and in fog really do this to me? Guess what, it most certainly does. I know I took fish oil before to help with the fog. The brain games and flaxseed is not enough any more so I need to start buying fish oil again. Let's see if that helps (going to get some tonight).

Also, I looked into my history on my blog to find out how long this downhill spiral has been going on. I posted in March about how the Lyrica has reduced my muscle guarding but also asked what the hell happened in January/February to have me gain so much weight. Guess when I increased the Lyrica: January. Son of a gun! I hope to high heavens and the earth below that it is not going to come down to weight gain vs muscle tension/pain. It's also a catch because as I gain weight, the more pain I am in. It's going to be a hell of  catch 22. So I hope it goes well with my doc and I come up with a strategy over the next week to present after hearing her suggestions.

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