Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I slept! I finally had a good night's #sleep! #fibro

I can proudly say that it has been three nights of decent quality sleep. I even slept the whole nights through. On Friday I was hardly functional. After being not very functional at work for the last two weeks, I finally called it in and spent 7 hours in bed Friday. It was great. I dozed in and out, my body was happy with me. I started to feel energy ebb back. I kept my weekend activities to a minimum, not that I could really do much without feeling exhausted. On Sunday I went for a small hike (30 min) and was tired after and even more tired after bathing the dogs. Yesterday, again, I kept it to a minimum but was tired after tutoring and even got cranky after walking the dogs. A shower saved my mood and my chills. I don't feel like there's a tire around my waist at the moment, but I am going to keep my appointment with my specialist none the less to go over things. Today I am feeling the need to be very careful how I use my energy. There's a contractor at my house installing windows and I would like to go home at lunch to check it out but with going out to take pictures of an event tonight, is it wise to bike/walk home at lunch? At least the bike ride back to work is mostly downhill. I am doubting that I should and may ask for help in getting home. This is where as time goes on that I am thinking a car may be beneficial.

While in bed on Friday, I went over a new strategy and thought about all the things I have tried along with what has worked and what hasn't. One thing I don't account enough for is how much energy I use doing my day to day things like walking. I walk a minimum of 60 minutes a day with going to and from work plus a bit more walking the dogs. This is my normal. Then I go do something silly like try to work out in the mornings and go swimming regularly. It was a good idea in theory but it caught up with me and I crashed. Now, instead of getting up early, my alarm goes off an hour later. If I get up when it goes off, I might still have time to walk the dogs, otherwise I will before bed. For working out, I will bike to and from work on Tuesdays and pick from the gym or swimming on Saturday. When I worked out every Saturday, I did very well. It may have only been one day per week, but it worked for me. For food, I am going back to the anti-inflammation diet and sticking with my veggies. When I did this back in August, it served me quite well until I feel off the wagon at the end of December.

I just checked... I missed time in October due to perfume (half day) then was out another two and half days the following week. My body crashed. Sick one day in March then in April the endo flared badly and I was out of commission for another day and a half. Keep in mind I had been taking a three day weekend each month to keep myself in good form.  So I have to say, that's not too bad at all.

So here's to another round!

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