Thursday, April 5, 2012

Day 5 of #HAWMC - Photography and Health

Yesterday I wrote about why I write about my health. In summary, I said because it is cathartic. Today's challenge involves finding a flikr photo but I am choosing to write about one of my other outlets: photography.

I love grabbing my camera and going out for a walk. When I was living in Halifax, I went out on photo excursions a lot more than I do now. My pictures have always focused on nature and my furry family. I love taking pictures of my cats and dog and my friends' and family's pets. Even days when I do not have my camera, I find myself noticing the little details when I am outside: the detail of the clouds, the way a shadow of a tree falls on a building, the crispness of the leaves, the textures of the grass, and more. Because I have sight in only one eye and wear glasses, I never ever want to take for granted all those little details. Same goes for hearing. There is something peaceful about stopping for a moment to just listen. All the little details give more joy to life. Purposely taking those moments give time for you body to rest and just enjoy the moment. I think this is what buddhists mean by "mindfulness". I hadn't really thought of it that way before. I guess I already practice mindfulness in my own little ways. I actually bought a dvd on meditation because I heard it could help relax my body and mind, which I desparately need somedays when the fibro is acting up and even on regular days. Finding those moments of peace is important. Even if it is through a camera lens.

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