Friday, April 20, 2012

Food, tea and me

As I am going through that wonderful mid-afternoon I-want-to-crawl-in-a-ball-and-sleep phase, I looked up stuff about tea. I am not feeling too well this week as it is and I went to make some tea for the afternoon and I was stumped: which do I make? which will have less of an impact on my already fragile system? So I looked up tea processing and fermentation of tea. As discovered, fermented food and beverages are a no-no for someone with a histamine-intolerance. The end result: white and green teas are safe for me. Most green teas are not oxidized (ie. fermented) and white teas are not fermented at all (, etc). Black tea is, of course, the most fermented. Pu'erh is post-fermented, so it goes through the process twice ( Each of these teas have their benefits of course with anti-oxidants, pu'erh is good for digestion, etc. However, that word histamine causes pause to wonder what is the best teas for me to drink. I will keep my black and pu'erh teas in my collection, but have them very sparingly. I have some fantastic green teas and some white. Then I wondered about the Rooibos. It too goes through a fermentation process similar to black tea.

When looking up studies on histamine in PubMed, I discovered that most studies were done in the mid-1990s. I have made some fantastic discoveries. I remember the time I first tried spinach and I felt absolutely gross after. Guess what! It contains a LOT of histamine. I know there are other things that are not agreeing with me, but no idea what or how to tackle the situation. So, after talking it over with mom, I finally made an appointment with my family doc and filled him in on things since I last saw him and asked for a referral to a dietician. It was nice that he wasn't rushed. He even had time to ask if there was anything else and asked about my mom. He calls us the "Bobbsey Twins"; we look very much alike and been having a hell of a time with health stuff over the last couple of years. But we keep smiling and figuring things out. He also sent me for more blood tests to check on things. I will call in a week to ask if the results are in and if I need to make an appointment to see him again. See how it goes :)

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