Monday, April 9, 2012


It is always fun to make health discoveries. Sitting here yesterday and having a simple conversation with a friend about how I am concerned that I may or may not have a gluten sensitivity or something because I know there is something about what I am eating that is not agreeing with me. Then it hit me, check my allergy tests from 2008/2009. And there it was, the answer: histamine. I have a histamine intolerance. Looking up what that is became an adventure and answered so many questions. For example, I know parmesan is one of my enemies. Now I know it is because of the high histamine content that causes a reaction. Then going through the rest of the list of high histamine foods and foods that cause the body to produce histamine made enough more sense. It was also frustrating. So with this knowledge, I am armed and ready to try a histamine-free diet for a few weeks to see how I feel. Which means I will have to start a food diary. As it is I am not entirely sure were my small to-do and expense books are right now. Do I buy an app for it or do I get another book. Either way, need to add another tool to my toolkit with what information I can find. Oh, yay!

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