Monday, April 16, 2012

#HAWMC Writing Style

I missed yesterday's posting. Managed to take advantage of the gorgeous weather. Did a lot of walking and cleaning with some relaxing. Walking along the beach in your bare feet in April feels amazing. To simply breath in the air around you, close your eyes to hear and open your eyes to see the beauty around you. Not to mention get some good chuckles from watching the dogs play along the sand and in the water. Oddly enough, the long haired dog dried quicker than the short haired dog. Which means I went home with a dryer dog :)

I am going to double up on this entry though because I find yesterday's challenge topic interesting. My writing style is basically whatever comes to mind and through the heart. I write in a flow and with some thought. I come from a family of storytellers and am proud to say I have inherited most of this trait. Mine is more through writing though. I write as well as type. Depends on which media I feel more comfortable with at that moment in time. Doing this challenge has forced me to type more than write, although, I do still write. My writings are simply thought sketches. Here's a description of my style from my other blog:

A sketch represents an image in one's mind that is put into a visible format (i.e. by pencil on paper, paintbrush in a imaging program, etc). Thoughts can also be sketches. While a picture is worth a thousand words, a thousand words can help describe a picture, but is only a sketch of the picture. This ranting may not make sense, but its a sketch of a theory not a solid theory, not a painted portrait. Here are sketches, they are theories. Just thoughts and not the be all, end all. Some are beautiful, others are hideous. Some are well thought, others are a splatter of mindless ranting. And no matter what, they are from my own heart and mind.

Welcome to my sketch pad.

This describes my style very well.

As for today's challenge, I will pass on that as I do not have a pinterest account as of yet and working on implementing other tools before I get to that one :)

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