Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Fibro future at work

Ever wonder at the future to know how things would pan out? I know my passions and strengths. I know my possibilities and wonder at others.

I have the fibro more or less under control right now with the proper sleep supplements. The migraines have been threatening me again and have other pains for which I am using meds to subdue. One more medical mystery to solve and then I can finally move forward. You know when you know something is not right and doctors have not necessarily ignored you, but haven't done anything to figure it out. I go for a root canal in a few weeks from years of grinding my teeth in my sleep. The nightguard has saved the other molars that were on the roster a few years ago for root canals; now it is just the one.

Missing work is less of an issue lately. I work through the pains and fatigue. I get through my days. Looking forward to having more energy to take Jasper, my dog, out for walks and to do more physical activity. Can only do so much though. I have learned to take advantage of the days my body just absolutely gives out and says not to doing much of anything.

A few weeks ago, I was talking with a former supervisor to ask her to be a reference. She is an amazing person. Anyway, I mentioned that I have been diagnosed with Fibro and she said that one of her co-workers had it to but had to leave work because of it. It took me a few days for that statement to be processed. I do not want to get to that point where I have to leave work. I have looked up many other sites and blogs about work and fibro to find helpful information. There was one that was a simply amazing little video at http://faithdream.hubpages.com/hub/Fibromyalgia-in-the-Workplace. One common thing that keeps coming up is finding work that is less stressful, reduce the stress in your life. This has been a bit of turning point for me. Made me realize that something MUST change. I am working on that change. In the next week I will be finding out more about a possible change. I am hopeful. My counsellor gave me the homework of writing positive thoughts about this change in the present tense. For example: I am happily working at x place, I am happily living in x city. I fought a little against this because I do not want to get my hopes up to high but it is a good exercise and makes me smile when I write it, therefore I will participate in this little exercise. Positive thinking goes an awful long way. :)


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