Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Why I write about my Health

HAWMC Day #4: I write about my health because… Reflect on why you write about your health for 15-20 minutes without stopping. 

I have always written. I can probably find a diary from elementary school with various stuff in it. I have always found writing to be very cathartic. In joining this challenge, I have breached a barrier and decided to go public with this blog. I do keep another for my writings. Some of those writings and peotry do touch on my health but I wrote those before starting this blog and never transferred them over. I have been told I should be a writer with how well I compose my ideas. But, like I said, I grew up writing so it comes natural to me. Much like a conversation that flows through my mind. The audience is no one or whoever finds my blog. Since being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, I have found a bit of peace with myself. I want to continue to be a functioning human being in society. Writing this blog helps me reflect on that and share how I am achieving that goal. Nothing will stop me from figuring it out, to manage it. Being the resourceful person I am, I will seek out whatever I can and share what I find of value. In sharing, I hope it hlps other people. This always gives me a timeline in a sense to see how far I've come and the developments I have made. I can look back and go, "oh, I tried this medication on this date and this is what happened". In addition to writing on here, I always have a notebook on hand to write daily for work related stuff and just mindless writing that keeps me sane. Sanity, there's an important word. The most insane are the most sane sometimes. No idea where I fall into on that scale, but I am me. I am not just blind, I am not just deaf, I am not just fibromyalgia, I am not just Irlen Syndrome, I am not just a librarian... I am me who has these things. That is what I must remember. All these items help form my identity and must never forget them. They can also be my advantage. If I do not want to hear someone, I can turn to my deaf ear. If I do not want to see someone, I can turn a blind eye. Fibromyalgia has meant I listen to my bodily cues much more closely so I can take better care of myself. Being a librarian means I can seek out useful information to share with others. See, just in this short amount of time, I have elaborated on discovers and created more meaning for myself. It is one thing to think these things and another to type them. This is why I write about  my health.


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