Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sleep and Food

It's amazing what lack of sleep can do to a person. I have been feeling worse and worse over the last few days.  Tummy has been getting better though since I decided to slowly take myself off the Lyrica. The lack of sleep is from running out of the 5-htp. One way to find out if something is making a difference is to stop taking it I guess. After a few more nights of taking the 5htp again, I imagine I'll feel right as rain again.

The food diary thing has been paying off. Been doing it for about a week and already made some interesting discoveries. Feeling way less bloated and there's less pain. Going to do read some more of this book "Meals that heal inflammation" by Julie Daniluk. It has been helping me make connections between feeling ill and certain foods and pills. My goal is to get my tummy back in order. Taking the acidophilus has been helping with that for sure :)

I know I am on the right track. Now to continue and not lose track of things. Ideally, I want to keep this food diary until I run out of room in my little notebook. Here's an example of what I'm doing. One side for the food, beverage and medication/supplements and the other side with how I feel and observations.


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